About Josh Burcham
His friends call him Burch and since we’re now friends you can do the same.
As we all do, Burch wears a lot of different hats. He is a pastor/church planter, a ministry veteran, a podcast host, a print and web designer, and dabbles in a few different products he has brought to market.
Life Verse
“I have come to give you life and give it to the full.”
If you have had the chance to hear Josh teach, you have probably heard him quote these words of Jesus found in John 10:10. It is the life that Josh wants to experience. He wants to get to the end of his life and be able to say, “man Jesus, what a ride. The place you took me, the people you let me invest in, and the ways you chose to use me… I’m blown away.”
The full life is found in relationship. Relationship with Jesus and relationship with others. Josh has dedicated his life to helping others experience depth in these two relationships.

"Hello. Hello. Hello. We're just two normal dudes, trying to live this Jesus life."
We aren’t a theology podcast, though we talk about theology. We aren’t a relationship podcast, though we talk about relationships. We aren’t a self-help podcast, though we would love to help you with yourself.
We are just two normal guys living this Jesus life and hoping to make a difference in this world. We want you to have hope, find freedom, and experience life to the full.
“Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence… Love others as well as you love yourself.”
Churches need a change in methods because building churches on the Weekend Service model isn’t working anymore. Hill City hopes to bring a fresh old approach to making disciples that make other disciples through relationship.

Leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. Here are some good recommendations for learning.
Podcasts and Videos